Investigating deaths of autistic and learning disabled people

About Us

Dying to Matter is produced and edited by Katharine Quarmby, an award-winning writer, journalist and film-maker specialising in social affairs and science reporting with an investigative edge. She has worked in TV, (on the BBC’s Panorama and Newsnight programmes) as well as writing for the Economist, Guardian, Newsweek, Prospect and Private Eye.

It is co-produced by Alicia Wood.  Alicia has spent 25 years working with learning disabled and autistic people to change institutional care and provide the housing, support and rights needed to live in communities. She is a co-founder of Learning Disability England and has worked extensively with government and national agencies to improve policy with and for learning disabled and autistic people and their families. Alicia took part in a 300km walk with families and campaigners, the CaminoLB, to remember those who had died in the care system. Hearing the stories first hand of what happened to people before and after they died and the trauma that families have faced from the systems that are supposed to care has profoundly affected her.

Both Katharine and Alicia have personal and family experience of disability and long term health conditions

How we are funded

We have been able to get this project up and running with a private donation and a huge amount of voluntary work and support from others.  We will continue to volunteer to build the memorial pages and to carry out research. We are seeking other volunteers to write and research. We are also seeking funding for investigative journalism through grants and crowdfunding.

If you would like to donate to support Dying to Matter you can do so here: